Recent content by Belted Onion

  1. Belted Onion

    Welcome to the NHC: New Members, Introduce Yourself Here

    Thanks for the welcome! That monologue is a favorite of mine, as well.
  2. Belted Onion

    Jakks Pacific Merchandise Discussion

    Wow, excited as all get out for the 5" figures. As a kid, I wanted the Mattel figures but my mom refused (she was fairly anti-Simpsons for a bit) and the Playmates line hit as I was in my 2nd year of college and thus too broke to get 'em (also had no time to hunt them down). I'm all in for this...
  3. Belted Onion

    Welcome to the NHC: New Members, Introduce Yourself Here

    Hey everyone! Just discovered the forum a few days ago. Bit of a lapsed fan, trying to get caught up on the last, oh, decade or so...anyways...Hi-diddly-ho, fellow fan-erino's!